Feb 24, 2012


unfortunately, i cannot claim to have designed the beautiful interior of one of our city's newest restaurants -  TYN lounge.  but fortunately, i do know who did and was given a wonderful opportunity to photograph his work at the restaurant. Desmond Desmarais, lead designer at labu design, wonderfully crafted the clean interior design to match the modern and energetic feel of the space and menu. for more on desmond's work, please visit his website here.

below are some of the images i took for labu design and TYN:

just to refresh your memory, here are the images of some of the delicious menu items at TYN that i took a few months back in a previous post.

please enjoy the photos, but more importantly please enjoy the restaurant and check out the food, ambiance and staff of one of the more exciting dining experiences in our city.

de jesus. out.