welcome to the world of project 365. photography enthusiasts from all walks of life armed with any sort of image capture device are snapping photos of absolutely everything. the half empty beer at the bar with a lipstick stain? click. the lonely dandelion growing out of the crack of a sidewalk? click. the strange orange and pink hue of the sun going up (or down)? click. the dog looking unimpressed as he is caught doing a number two? click.
because of this inspiration, i am participating in project 365 this year and because of the (quad-annual?) occurrence of leap year, 2012 is christened as project 366. find me on facebook, twitter or instagram to follow my story this year and see what crazy random images i try to come up with. as you can see from the handful i have taken so far - some will be terrible, some will be great, but all will be original and straight from my iPhone for all to see. some days it will be a challenge to find an interesting image, but the point is not to impress...but to create and find the essence of what goes on in a typical day and how i see it. much like what i wrote about in a previous post, sometimes all you gotta do is shoot and the body of work might be more valuable than the image itself. make your lens create.
de jesus. 354 more days. out.