Sep 26, 2010


the following are a couple of my favorite pics from a wedding shoot i did this summer.  many thanks to hilda and kevin for allowing me to be a part of their special day.  a charismatic couple with a sense of humour always makes for an easy photo shoot.  they are a lovely and gracious couple and i had an absolute blast taking photos of them on a warm and pleasant august afternoon (which this summer was a rare occasion).  congratulations to them both and best wishes for a happy and wonderful future!

more of their wedding photos will be available on the new  please stay tuned for the re-launch of the site which should take place in the coming weeks.

technical details (gear used):
nikon D300S
nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 VRII
nikkor 50mm f/1.8
tokina 11-16 f/2.8

de jesus fuera.

Sep 18, 2010


and the rise of the graphic artist.

we all question it when we look at a magazine cover or a slick billboard print ad.  is it real? how is it possible that she looks that perfect?  is it too good to be true?  the answers: probably not, i'll tell you, and yes, it is too good to be true.

this is not mind blowing news.  graphic design software has existed for many years that allow you to alter an image in many different ways from color, texture, lighting, etc. and in fact, people lean on programs like photoshop to alter an image in the hopes of getting that amusing or cleaner image quicker.  want to swap your friends face onto a victoria's secret model?  select, cut, paste.  want to remove that hideous adolescent-looking stress pimple from the bottom of your chin? airbrush it out or clone and stamp it.

but it seemed that really detailed or complicated alterations were reserved for the professionals.  watch a studio at work and you might come across someone at a computer extending the photographed legs of a model, perhaps eyes normally considered too close together are given a more pleasant spacing with a couple of click and drags.  it is enough to shake your head and really change the way you look at photographs, especially those high quality studio shots with beautiful models.  but that was the pros.

enter adobe CS5 and their new puppet warp tool.  again, this isn't new stuff...but the way adobe has implemented such an easy to use alteration tool with this kind of sophistication is scary.  hobbyists and pros alike are now given the same resources to not just modify images, but fundamentally change an image where the reality of what was photographed is not what you see - but the suspension of reality still exists.  watch either (or both) links and we'll chat afterwards...

Puppet Warp Demo 1
Puppet Warp Demo 2

now imagine what is possible.  with this kind of accessibility and ease of use, even the casual photos of your friends on facebook or someone's eharmony profile pic could be a complete misrepresentation.  surely this could do more harm than good when it comes to perception of self image, but that isn't the point of this conversation.  though this appears to be an excellent application for an already sophisticated program, it surely marks the decline of the photographer and the rise of the graphic artist.

in the past, it was argued that you still need to be able to compose and expose a photograph well to get a great image.  that was the job of the photographer.  but between the tools you and i have used in the past and the tools that are now and in the future, how important is it to get a really good image straight out of the camera (SOC) nowadays?   it appears that someone with a reasonable working knowledge of photoshop could create fantastic images given some time to work with it.  and often times, a well photoshopped image tends to enhance/improve an image...placing more importance on post processing than SOC images.  photographers: better get on board.  graphic artists will be the new breed of "photographer" if you don't keep up.

what you see isn't real.  it's an altered reality that implies perfection. 

de jesus out.

Sep 16, 2010


so after a cordial visit to the nearby travel agent (who was quite friendly and patient considering my absolute lack of focus), i was given two attractive options in the USA that would allow me to enjoy a full saturday and sunday in a city that i have never been.  considering prices and flight times, the decision was clear...

my official tweet (see below) made the announcement pretty clear. philadelphia was my chosen destination for operation: labor day for $1k.

now i'm not much of an american history buff, but i was pleased to have spent an entire weekend in one of the most historical cities on the continent.  it doesn't hurt that this bustling city has a contending baseball team in town, some fantastic restaurants and a love for their fictional hollywood mascot, Rocky. in fact, the picture to the left was taken atop the rocky steps (aka the steps for the philadelphia museum of art).  and the picture below that was taken at the bottom, looking up at the beautiful facade of the museum.  unfortunately the museum was largely ignored in favor of the famed steps and the equally famous rocky statue - but i guess it's better to attach your identity to a never quit imagined working class hero than nothing at all.

among the highlights of the philly trip: a 50 min wait for an authentic philly cheesesteak (meh), watching the phillies game at the ballpark next to a 3 year old boy who knew the batting order of the hometown team, the polite and friendly people from the city of brotherly love, their interesting accents which is a unique blend of boston, new york and baltimore all at once....and the best freakin burger i have ever had (village restaurant).
and to prove that i met my goal of $1k for the trip, here are the out of pocket costs spent for the weekend:
* flight and hotel (3 nights) = $624
* food and drink = $150 
* taxi rides = $62
* baseball game (incl. food and drink) = $54
* souvenirs = $48
* sightseeing tour bus = $27 
* admission to the museum = $16
* TOTAL = $981

if you're interested to see more photos from the trip, i will posting more on facebook and flickr in the coming days.

juice out.  it's all love.


Sep 13, 2010


the goal was simple.  go away for the labor day long weekend somewhere. anywhere.  with a small luggage and my camera in tow, it would have to be completely last minute and random so i couldn't plan anything.  and in keeping with the tongue in cheek title of this mini-adventure, i would keep the budget for the entire getaway to $1000.

here are the conditions:
* leave september 2, return september 6
* passport must be used
* cannot book anything until at least the day before i leave
* flight, hotel and all expenses cannot exceed $1000

after i had committed to making this my labor day long weekend, work was kind enough to send me to toronto a few days prior for business, making it easier for me to find a last minute destination from one of the major hubs out east.  the only catch with this being a half work trip is that i had to leave september 3 instead, which was okay.  and there we person. one long weekend. one thousand dollars.  the only question is: where would i end up?